Sunday, April 14, 2013

"It's Been Awhile"

It's been awhile ...
and it has.
I haven't ran in weeks. 2, 3? Long enough to make me feel like a beginner again. I made it all the way to 6+ miles, and here I am starting again with 2 and 3 mile runs.

I was actually resting my right knee. For awhile (and still at times) I have been having sharp pains over/under? my knee cap. I still continue my Les Mills Combat workout (which may or may not be a good idea) and yoga, but the running seemed too much. So I'm starting over, or so it feels, and pacing slow for now.

When I told my Dad today I was running again after a minor knee "thing" he told me to "be careful". and "Running does things like that" - referring to my knee?

 When people who aren't runners think about running, that's what they think of: injury to knees, injury to ankles, shin splints, sprains, things that end in "itis" and the list goes on.
So do you want to know what I was thinking about while running today?
(Well, I'm going to tell you either way ...)


It covers your entire body, you couldn't run without it, and up until today I hadn't really given it too much thought when it comes to running.
Why was I thinking of it today you ask? (Maybe I'm too amateurish to have really given it too much thought before)

Well, today it was extraordinarily sunny (at least for a NYer) and hot! (That's what happens when you live in TX). So today, on my short, slow run (with my 1yr old in the stroller) I was hot, the sun was scorching, and my skin was on fire! I will admit, I am fairer than most people. My paleness should probably reflect the sun. But today the sun, the heat, the sweat, it all resulted in what I'll call "the burn".

And while most people headed out are worried about the right lacing of shoes, the right form, the right playlist, or the right route, I will now be worrying (or thinking of, rather) about the right sun screen!
A sweat proof, spray type sun screen. Because while my knees, and ankles and all are important to me I won't be running anywhere if I don't take care of my skin.

Protect your skin people, and keep going (:

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